
I. General Terms and Conditions

  1. The owner of the shop and gallery is:
    Studio of art painting ArtWilk Jerzy and Maria Wilk
    based in Poland, Owczarnia
    Grodziska 18 street
    05-807 Podkowa Leśna
    phone number (022)729 16 90

    mobile phone number 604503679, 606 987568
    e-mail biuro|| style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: justify;"|biuro|artwilk.plinfo|| style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: justify;"|info|
    acting as an individual on the basis of certificates of registration business number 159, released by the Mayor of the city and commune Brwinów.
  2. Shop allows you to make purchases via the Internet.
  3. Prices of goods in the store are retail prices. They are given in Polish zloty and include VAT (gross prices).
    These prices are binding on the both parties at the time of order by the Customer. For the price of goods should be added the possible cost of delivery.
  4. Shop also supports wholesale customers. This option is available only after direct contact with the company.
  5. Remarks about the functioning of the shop, please communicate to the following email address: lub info|| style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: justify;" target="_blank"|info|

II.Placing an order and its execution

  1. Orders can be made in the shop via site or via e-mail adres: or 
    and phone: 22 7291690, 606987568, 604503679
  2. The condition of execution the contract is properly filled form on the side of the store. For orders submitted via e-mail it is necessary for customer to enter data contained in the said form. If everything has been completed correctly, the client will receive from the shop information on the order confirmation.
  3. All goods presented in the store are made by Studio of Art Painting ArtWilk available in our warehouse for immediate shipment, and their inventory is constantly updated. The only condition appears when two or more clients at the same time will in the course of the transaction for the same product and their total order exceeds the current state of the disposable. In this case, the customer will be immediately informed about the failure to complete the contract to the selected product or about the date of implementation.
  4. Goods will be sent to the customer at the latest on the second working day after receiving on the workshop  account the payment from the Client, when he chose this form of payment. To the time of delivery should be added 1 working day (up to 2 days in the case of small towns) in case of the courier shipment.
  5. We are not responsible for the longer delivery time independent from us.

III.Cancellation of orders

  1. To cancel an order, please contact with the Shop. Order cancellation is only possible until transfer it to the Carrier.

IV. Methods of payment and delivery

  1. Customer chooses between three forms of payment
  • Payment by bank transfer.
    The client transfer to bank account of workshop:92 1240 1053 1111 0000 0488 7126 charge including value of the goods and the cost of delivery.
  • In case of payments in euro:


    PL 19 1240 1053 1978 0010 2909 9130

  • PayPal payment
  • Payment at the headquarters of the studio.

      2. Customer chooses between two forms of delivery:
          1. Courier DPD or carrier agreed with the Client.
          2. Self-pickup from company warehouse Mon-Sat 10:00-16:00 or at another time by prior arrangement.

      3. The customer should inform the store, and this will make the appropriate request or a complaint to the Carrier.
          The customer will be notified about this.

V. Complaints

  1. We consider complaints under warranty only if justified under the provisions of the Civil Code.
    Complaints about a small difference in the color of goods due to differences in a range of colors of the client monitor, will not be taken into consideration
  2. Hidden technical defects of the goods, its incompleteness or non-compliance with the description on the website store (excluding minor differences in dimensions due to numerical rounding) confirmed upon receipt are the basis for the complaint is accepted, the submission of which the customer has two weeks from the date of receipt of the goods.
  3. Any complaints should be directed to the store in writing. Shop will consider the Customer complaint within 14 days informing about this the customer. If the complaint is accepted in accordance with the will of the Customer will be exchanged for full value and in the absence of the same in the warehouse will be proposed switching to another or refund within 5 working days,on account indicated by the customer.
  4. We suggest that you carefully check the delivery condition and to open it in the presence of the courier. Mechanical damage of goods during transportation or discrepancy, as to the contents of the shipment when the package was damaged and pointed to the possibility of intervention by third parties are subject to the complaint on the basis of the report issued by the Customer and Carrier.
    If the carrier refuses to sign the protocol do not accept the delivery or confirm receipt of goods and then contact with the Store.

VI. Withdrawal from the contract

  1. In accordance with the Act of March 2, 2000 "About protection of consumer rights and liability for damage caused by a dangerous product," the customer may return goods purchased in our store for any reason within 14 days from the date of delivery. This is possible only if the goods were not used or been damaged in any way. The store guarantees repayment of the amount equal to the price of the goods. The money will be refunded within 14 working days by bank transfer to the account specified by the customer. The cost of returning goods is not refundable
  2. If the purchased goods have defects, please send it back by post or leave in our Gallery Artwilk in Owczarnia, Grodzisk 18 street. The product will be exchanged for full value, and if it is already impossible we will refund the money. Our customers agree that our products are handmade. It does not give the possibility for full repeatability of the presented offer. These differences may relate only to a small extent of the color or locations of the painted objects.

    1.Seller reserves the right to withdraw from the contract, if the data provided by the Buyer, while filling out the appropriate form on the website vendor will be incomplete, misleading or inaccurate. Seller is not responsible for the consequences of random events over which he had no control, and which prevented or hindered the performance of the contract.

VII. Privacy policy and data security

  1. Each exchange of information or data between the client and the Store is done using a specially designed and protected links.
  2. The customer is asked to provide personal information necessary to complete the transaction. These data in no way shared or sold to third parties or companies. Shop stores them in a monitored space on the server, which is accessible only to authorized persons.

VIII. Final Provisions

  1. Placing an order is unambiguous to a declaration that the customer is familiar with the rules Store and fully accepts its conditions.
  2. Placing an order is tantamount to customer consent for processing by the store his personal data in accordance with Paragraph. dated 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws No. 133, item. 883). The customer may at any time, upon written request, to request access to their personal data, correct or delete them.
  3. Any disputes the parties will endeavor to resolve an amicable way and in case of failure to reach an agreement the dispute will be settled by the competent court.



Polityka prywatności

Szanowni Państwo,

25 maja 2018 roku zacznie obowiązywać Rozporządzenie Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r . w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych (RODO).

W celu przypomnienia zasad dotyczących wysyłki Newslettera Fundacji, przesyłamy Państwu uaktualnioną  klauzulę informacyjną.

Klauzula informacyjna zgodna z RODO

Informujemy, że:

1. Administratorem przetwarzanych danych osobowych jest Pracownia Malarstwa Artystycznego Jerzy i Maria Wilk, 05-807 Podkowa Leśna Owczarnia ul.Grodziska 18,

2. Celem przetwarzania otrzymanych danych jest wysyłka Newslettera naszej pracowni oraz realizacja zamówień wpływających za pośrednictwem sklepu internetowego lub bezpośredniej korespondencji e-mailowej .

3. Przysługuje Pani/Panu prawo dostępu do treści danych oraz ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania, a także prawo sprzeciwu, zażądania zaprzestania przetwarzania i przenoszenia danych, jak również prawo do cofnięcia zgody w dowolnym momencie oraz prawo do wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego (tj.:  po 25 maja 2018 r. – Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych).

4. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne i uzyskane bezpośrednio od osoby, której dane dotyczą.

5. Dane udostępnione przez Panią/Pana będą podlegały udostępnieniu podmiotom trzecim tylko w celu realizacji zamówień ( firmy kurierskie, Poczta Polska), wysyłki i obsługi Newslettera. W przypadku płatności za pośrednictwem PayPal również udostępnione są Państwa podstawowe dane, są one kodowane w systemie PayPal Odbiorcami danych mogą być również  instytucje upoważnione z mocy prawa.

6. Dane udostępnione przez Panią/Pana nie będą podlegały profilowaniu.

7. Administrator danych nie ma zamiaru przekazywać danych osobowych do państwa trzeciego lub organizacji międzynarodowej.

8. Dane osobowe zgromadzone w celu realizacji wysyłki Newslettera, będą przechowywane przez Administratora do momentu realizacji tego celu lub cofnięcia Pana/Pani zgody na ich przetwarzanie.

9. Administrator dokłada wszelkich starań, aby zapewnić wszelkie środki fizycznej, technicznej i organizacyjnej ochrony danych osobowych przed ich przypadkowym czy umyślnym zniszczeniem, przypadkową utratą, zmianą, nieuprawnionym ujawnieniem, wykorzystaniem czy dostępem, zgodnie ze wszystkimi obowiązującymi przepisami.

W razie jakichkolwiek pytań, pozostajemy do Państwa dyspozycji. Adres e-mail: biuro|| |biuro|