Hand painted glass ball - Warsaw

Hand painted glass ball - Warsaw
Weight: 70 GR. Ask about product
Product code: 3620
Availability: Product unavailable
Price: 23.00

Hand Painted glass ball
100mm in diameter with special glass hook.
Painted with permanent art paints.
Packed in individual box and the shipping carton,
Protected with styrofoam and special foil.

Glass Ball dimensions in individual box:
11,7 x 11,7 x 14  cm

Costs and delivery
Personal collection 0 €
In Poland Courier UPS 7 €
To England 20 €
To Austria DPD 15 €
To Ireland UPS 20 €
To Germany 10 €
To USA 71 €
To Italy DPD 17 €

Kolekcja: Bombki z architekturą